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Christian's and Scott's Interactive Top Ten List

Top Ten Signs You Are Winning

(submitted by Mute)

10. It's about 8 hours into Monopoly and the other three players quit... 6 hours ago. (Gregj09)
9. You have made people forget all about Mel Gibson, Jessie James, Tiger woods and "the situation". (vipercat)
8. Wherever there's a party, you become a person of interest. (Arcola "Lawn Ranger" Mike)
7. You're looking at the world through rose colored glasses... because they're tinted with the blood of your enemies. (Augiepyropanda)
6. Several milliom dollars, two pornstar girlfriends, fame of a God and of course feline hemoglobin. (Walrus)
5. You are playing any video game based on a Disney movie. (Ugabuga12)
4. The game is stopped and your shoes checked to see if they are filled with rocket fuel. (Oren Otter)
3. Charlie Sheen's tiger blood has nothing on your liger blood! (Mute)
2. You made the final the lineup at the police station (Arcola "Lawn Ranger" Mike)
1. Your one man show, "Downward Spiral," got a rave review from Charlie Sheen. (Arcola "Lawn Ranger" Mike)

Copyright © 1995-2015, Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton

Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton (hereafter the authors) retain full copyright of all material on this and all other pages of "Christian's & Scott's Interactive Top Ten List." The authors grant to all other parties the sole right to create a link to this page. However, the authors reserve all other rights. No material from these pages may be copied without the express consent of one of the authors.

sra & crs Last modified: Mar 31, 2011