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Top Ten Little Known Things Confucious Say
(submitted by Naska the Zoki-Howler)
"Beware: the dot-coms will someday crash."
"Brother in-law always drinks last beer."
"Wise man cannot straddle a ditch with a wheel-barrow."
"Confucious often misquoted."
(JLM2gainwisdom, Boewulf)
"Swallow inscrutible saying, digest all night."
(Maniac Bob)
"Happy monkeys jump high, sad monkeys jump low, dead monkeys don't jump."
"I cannot believe you thought I was serious, I mean come on... a GIANT WALL??"
(Buttsey57, Lizard in the House)
"Man should have last word when arguing with wife, 'yes ma'am.'"
"Alright, for the last time, I speak, read, and write fluent, even elegant, Chinese and use it to espouse a fully developed, thoughtful commentary on the idea of human existence. Sub-par translation is not my fault."
"Give a man a list of one thing and he will be happy for an hour. Give him a list of ten things and he will be happy until next Monday or Thursday."
Copyright © 1995-2015, Scott Atwood and Christian Shelton
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& crs
Last modified: Apr 1, 2004